Learn the ABCs of our CD, IRA and HSA rates

Whether you're saving for a more comfortable retirement or want to save for unexpected expenses, MSGCU's rates on investment accounts deliver. Our status as a not-for-profit credit union means we can provide more value for our members.

Certificate of Deposit (Regular and IRA CDs)
TermAPY*Interest Rate
6 Months 2.50% 2.48%
12 Months 3.00% 2.97%
2 Years 3.00% 2.97%
3 Years 3.25% 3.21%
4 Years 3.25% 3.21%
5 Years 3.50% 3.46%
9 Months 4.40% 4.33%
18 Months 4.20% 4.14%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY and rates rounded to the hundredth percentile. $500 Minimum Average Daily Balance Required. Certificate of Deposits will automatically renew at maturity. You have a grace period of ten (10) calendar days after the maturity date to withdraw the funds in the account without being charged an early withdrawal penalty. Promotional Certificates will automatically renew at maturity to a standard term Certificate offered at the time of maturity.

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Grow-With-Me CD
TermAPY*Interest Rate
6 Months 1.50% 1.49%
1 Year 1.75% 1.74%
2 Years 2.25% 2.23%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY and rates rounded to the hundredth percentile. $250 Minimum Average Daily Balance Required. Certificate of Deposits will automatically renew at maturity. You have a grace period of ten (10) calendar days after the maturity date to withdraw the funds in the account without being charged an early withdrawal penalty.

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Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
APY*Interest Rate
0.30% 0.30%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY and rates rounded to the hundredth percentile. No Minimum Balance Required.

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Health Savings Account
APY*Interest Rate
0.30% 0.30%

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. APY and rates rounded to the hundredth percentile. No Minimum Balance Required.

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Minimum balance listed is to open an account and earn the advertised APY. All rates and APYs are accurate as of today and subject to change at any time. Fees may reduce earnings on accounts. A penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal from Certificates of Deposit.