Safely use ATMs and your Debit Card

ATM Safety

  • Pay attention to your surroundings. If something appears out of the ordinary, come back later or go to another ATM. If you suspect illegal activity, go to a safe place and call the police.
  • Keep your car doors locked and windows closed as you approach drive-up ATMs.
  • Position yourself in front of the ATM keyboard to block view of your PIN.
  • Use deposit forms and have your card ready before approaching the ATM. When your transaction is complete, secure your card and cash immediately and take your receipt.

Debit Card Safety

  • Memorize your Personal Identification Number (PIN). Never share it with anyone, write it on your card or keep it in your wallet.
  • Never share your PIN over the phone, text, or email, even if the caller identifies themselves as your financial institution or a person of authority.
  • Monitor merchants handling your debit card when shopping. You can use Online and Mobile Banking to monitor your transactions for unauthorized use.
  • Shred expired cards after receiving new ones. Contact our team at (866) 674-2848 or (586) 263-8800, chat with a team member, or visit any branch office if you do not receive a new MSGCU debit/credit card before your card’s expiration date.