Your card is missing? Act quickly!

Please contact us as soon as possible to cancel and block your card. You can do so using the Card Controls feature in the mobile app or online banking, which allows you to lock your card and report it stolen. Or, you can call us at:

During business hours, call MSGCU at (866) 674-2848 or (586) 263-8800
After hours, including weekends, call (833) 404-4119 and then follow the audio prompts
If you are out of the country and need to report a lost or stolen card, call (800) VISA-911

Please do not send an email to report the loss or theft of your Michigan Schools and Government Credit Union debit or credit card. Calling or using the Card Controls features in mobile and online banking is the safest and fastest way to notify us.

If you are traveling outside of the country and having difficulties with the Visa phone number provided, use this guide for additional numbers by country or visit Visa's Lost or Stolen Card webpage.

View tutorial 

Lock or unlock your credit or debit card in online banking (on your computer)

Lock or unlock your credit or debit card in online banking (on your computer)

Lock and unlock your MSGCU credit or debit cards with ease. 

See video transcript.

Lock or unlock your credit or debit card with the MSGCU mobile app

Lock or unlock your credit or debit card with the MSGCU mobile app. View video transcript.

We’ve all experienced the anxiety that comes when you see an empty slot in your wallet where your card normally goes. Now, you can lock, or freeze, your card with a simple click of a button using the new Card Control feature in MSGCU’s online banking. And once you find that card, it’s a simple click to turn it back on. If your card truly is lost or stolen, you can also report it and request a new one.